Goggio Lectures

Book cover of Primo Levi's "Storie naturali". Abstract in style, the print shows lines, dots, angled and arched shapes in black, white, green, pink, yellow, blue; and a human profile silhouette with a profile of a crow’s head in the place of the eye.
Colour painting of Elisabetta Sirani, Timoclea uccide il capo dei Traci, 1659, olio su tela (Napoli, Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte)
An image
An image of a 30 year old white woman with dark shoulder length curly hair. Her face and upper torso is pictured. She is smiling and looking into the camera. She is wearing a blue denim dress with her arms exposed. She is standing outside on a sunny day,
colour headshot of Licia Canton
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An image
An image
Watercolour by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: St. Peter's Basilica in Rome seen from the Arco Oscuro, a doorway near the Villa Giulia
