Minimum Admission Requirements
- Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Italian Studies' additional admission requirements stated below.
- Successful completion of 7.0 undergraduate full-course equivalents (FCEs) in Italian, including the following: 3.0 FCEs in Italian literature (students must have at least 0.5 FCE in each of three out of four different periods: medieval, Renaissance, seventeenth to eighteenth centuries, nineteenth to twenty-first centuries) and an appropriate upper-year 1.0 FCE in language.
- Minimum B+ standing in their University of Toronto 300- and 400-series courses (or in equivalent courses).
- The department will determine whether applicants need to complete prerequisite work in order to qualify for admission. Applicants will be advised accordingly.
Documentation Required
The following documentation is required for applicants to the Master program:
1. Letter of Intent
2. Two letters of recommendation (preferably from instructors most familiar with the applicant’s work)
3. Official transcripts
Minimum Admission Requirements
- Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Italian Studies' additional admission requirements stated below.
- Successful completion of the University of Toronto M.A. or its equivalent with an overall average of at least A– in courses. Please note that an A– average does not guarantee admission to the program
- Notes:
- Applicants with an Italian laurea magistrale/specialistica may apply for admission to the Ph.D. program.
- Applicants with a degree equivalent to a Ph.D. (e.g., an Italian dottorato di ricerca, a Ph.D., a diploma di perfezionamento, etc.) cannot be accepted to the Ph.D. program.
Documentation Required
The following documentation is required for ALL Ph.D. applicants (including direct-entry):
- Letter of Intent*
- Statement of Research and Proposed Plan of Study*
- Sample of Writing
- Two or more letters of recommendation (preferably from instructors most familiar with the applicant’s work)
- A curriculum vitae (CV) in English.
- Official transcripts
*Document # 1 (Letter of Intent) and # 2 (Statement of Research and Proposed Plan of Study) should be combined into one document for submission in the SGS application portal.
Direct Entry
Minimum Admission Requirements
- Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Italian Studies' additional admission requirements stated below.
- Exceptional students may be admitted directly to the Ph.D. program from the B.A. with a minimum A– average. Such applicants will apply to the M.A. program but indicate in a separate letter to the Graduate Coordinator that they wish to be considered for direct admission to the Ph.D. program.
- Notes:
- Applicants with an Italian laurea magistrale/specialistica may apply for admission to the Ph.D. program.
- Applicants with a degree equivalent to a Ph.D. (e.g., an Italian dottorato di ricerca, a Ph.D., a diploma di perfezionamento, etc.) cannot be accepted to the Ph.D. program.
Documentation Required
The following documentation is required for ALL Ph.D. applicants (including direct-entry):
1. Letter of Intent*
2. Statement of Research and Proposed Plan of Study*
3. Sample of Writing
4. Two or more letters of recommendation (preferably from instructors most familiar with the applicant’s work)
5. A curriculum vitae (CV) in English.
6. Official transcripts
*Document # 1 (Letter of Intent) and # 2 (Statement of Research and Proposed Plan of Study) should be combined into one document for submission in the SGS application portal.