- Mississauga (UTM)
Areas of Interest
- 16th-18th-century Italian literature
- Textual criticism
- Italian theatre
- Second-language teaching and learning
- Applied linguistics
- Pietro Aretino
- Antonio Liruti da Udine
- Vittorio Alfieri
- Giovanni Kreglianovich
Michael Lettieri, Professor Emeritus of Italian, served as Vice-Dean (Academic Experience), Acting Vice-Dean (Undergraduate), (Founding) Chair of the Department of Language Studies, Associate Dean (Humanities), and Vice-Principal (Academic) at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM). Lettieri also served as Dean and Associate Director of the Italian School at Middlebury College (1991–1995), and Director of the School (1995–2005). Highlights from his extensive list of publications include articles and books on textual criticism, 16th–18th-century drama, and second-language teaching and learning. He is a member of the editorial board of numerous peer-reviewed publications and has served as Associate Editor (1994–2013) and Principal Editor of Italica, Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian (2014–2021). He is presently Co-Editor of Guerra Edizioni's journal Cultura e Comunicazione. Lettieri was also a member of the University of Toronto Press Manuscript Review Committee (2004–2011) and Business Manager of Italian Canadiana (the official journal of The Frank Iacobucci Centre for Italian Canadian Studies, 1988–1999). Lettieri is the recipient of various academic awards.
Past Courses Taught
- ITA358Y / ITA359Y - Modern Italian Culture
- ITA1552H - Pietro Aretino and the Italian Renaissance
- ITA1165H - Introduction to Italian Philology
- ITA2041H - Modern Textual Criticism: Theory, Research and Practice
- 2020 Northrop Frye Faculty Award University of Toronto
- 2017 Spirit of Ontario Award
- 2015 Lilian Strobe Centennial Medal Middlebury College (Vermont)
- 2015 Commander of the Order of the Star of Italy President of the Italian Republic
- 2011 Distinguished Service Award American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI), Denver, Colorado
- 2011 President's Teaching Award University of Toronto
- 2011 OCUFA Teaching Award Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations
- 2007 Principal Investigator, SSHRCC Research Grant
- 1987 APUS-SAC Undergraduate Teaching Award Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto
- Con fantasia. Reviewing and Expanding Functional Italian Skills. Fourth Edition. (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2013. : 2013)
- Perfect Phrases in Italian for Confident Travel: The No Faux-Pas Phrasebook for the Perfect Trip (2009) ( : 2009)
- Antonio Liruti da Udine, Camilla. Tragedia. (Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina : 2008)
- iSpeak Italian Verbs ( : 2008)
- Il Capriccio. Commedia anonima del Cinquecento. Edizione critica a cura di Michael Lettieri e Julius A. Molinaro. (Welland: Soleil Publishing Inc. : 1999)
- Lettura e conversazione (1986) ( : 1986)
- Living Language Ultimate Italian: Advanced (1998, 2003) ()
- Trissino’s “Sophonisba” and Aretino’s “Horatia”: Two Italian Renaissance Tragedies. (Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1997.)
- Con fantasia: Reviewing and Expanding Functional Italian Skills (1996, 2004, 2008) ()
- Pietro Aretino nel Cinquecentenario della nascita. Atti del Convegno di Roma-Viterbo-Arezzo. Vol. II: Pietro Aretino e la cultura del Rinascimento. A cura di M. Lettieri et al. (Roma: Salerno Editrice, 1995. )
- Workbook / Laboratory Manual to Accompany “Con fantasia. Reviewing and Expanding Functional Italian Skills” (2008); Living Language Ultimate Italian: Basic-Intermediate. A Complete Lesson Book and Reference Guide (1994, 2000, 2004) ()
- Pietro Aretino, L'Orazia. Edizione critica a cura di Michael Lettieri. Con un saggio sulla storia della critica e una nota bibliografica di Rocco Mario Morano. "Iride", collana di critica, didattica e testi letterari, 6. (Rovito: Marra Editore, 1991.)
- Workbook/Lab Manual to Accompany “Adesso!” A Functional Approach to Italian (1992, 1997, 2006) ()
- Pharos (1994) ()
- Antonio Liruti da Udine. Sonetti sopra le tragedie di Vittorio Alfieri. (Soveria Mannelli (Italy): Rubbettino Editore, 2014. Pp. CCLXXIX-120. )
- Delectando Discitur. Essays in Honor of Edoardo A. Lebano (2009) ()
- Ritrovarsi: Cinque poeti Italo-canadesi (1997) ()
- Pietro Aretino e Ia cultura del Rinascimento (1995) ()
- University of Toronto Press series Toronto Italian Studies ()
- Living Language Ultimate Italian: Beginner-Intermediate. A Complete Textbook with 40 Lessons and Reference Guide. (New York: Living Language / Random House Inc., 2009 [2010]. Fourth Edition. )
- Giovanni Kreglianovich, Orazio. Tragedia. Edizione critica, introduzione e commento con un'appendice di fonti dirette e intermedie a cura di Michael Lettieri e Rocco Mario Morano. Prefazione di Giorgio Bárberi Squarotti.Studies in Italian Literature, V1 (Lewiston (New York) / Queenston (Ontario) / Lampeter (United Kingdom): The Edwin Mellen Press, 2003. )
- Living Language Ultimate Italian: Advanced. A Complete Lesson Book and Reference Guide. (New York: Random House Inc., 2003. Second Edition. )