Maria Laura Mosco

Maria Laura Mosco

First Name: 
Maria Laura
Last Name: 
Sessional Lecturer
Office Location : 
Carr Hall, 2nd floor
Biography : 

Before teaching at the University of Toronto, Dr. Mosco has held positions at Queen's University, and more recently at Western University, where she has taught extensively undergraduate language and literature courses, has coordinated and developed undergraduate courses, has supervised Course Instructors and Teaching Assistants, and had co-developed and coordinated a very successful study abroad program with a Community Engaged Learning (CEL) component.  Dr. Mosco is also a translator from English into Italian and an Italian language consultant.  Her most recent translation is Benedetto Croce e il fascismo italiano, (Rubbettino, 2021, ISSN/ISBN: 97888498674280) by Fabio R. Rizi, originally published as Benedetto Croce and Italian Fascism by Toronto University Press, 2003. Dr Mosco's recent collaborations are with the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Toronto, Eataly, TIFA, and some of the finest musical representatives in Canadian classical music, such as Duo Oriana, Musicians in Ordinary, The Annex Singers, ProVoce Studios. From 2017 to 2019 Dr Mosco has also acted as the Canadian Association for Italian Studies (CAIS) Mailing List Developer and Manager.

Current Courses Taught

  • ITA 100 Y - Italian Language for Beginner
  • ITA 250 W - Intermediate Italian
  • ITA 350 Y - Language Practice

Past Course Taught

  • ITA 100 Y (Summer 2022) - Italian Language for Beginner
PhD, University of Toronto
MA, University of Toronto
Laurea cum Laude, University of Rome Sapienza
Postgraduate One–Year Specialization Program, University of Rome III.
Postgraduate One–Year Specialization Program, University of Rome Sapienza.

People Type:

Areas of Interest: 
  • Technology-Assisted Italian Language and Culture Teaching and Learning
  • Urban Space, Soundscape, and Cultural Identity
  • Resistance, Conflict Resolution, Peace Building and Italian Contemporary Cultural Debate
  • Italian Opera Libretti and Italian Literary Tradition
Meta Description: 
Profile of Maria Laura Mosco, a sessional lecturer at the Department Italian Studies, University of Toronto.