Women and Contemporary Italian Theory Speakers Series; Sexual Difference and Feminist Refusal
When and Where
Friday, March 07, 2025 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
3rd floor
Isabel Bader Theatre
93 Charles Street West
Is Anything Still Revolutionary about Gay Male Subjectivity?; Ben Koonar, University of Toronto
Italian Feminist Refusal: Carla Lonzi and Angela Putino; Dr. Nicole Trigg, University of California, Berkeley
Body Against Body: Rethinking Maternal Subjectivity; Ran Deng, University of Toronto
Talks to be followed by a panel discussion. (Panel 2 of 4, 07 February - 10 April 2025).
Part or all of the series may be livestreamed on the Department's YouTube channel.
93 Charles Street West